Lumiere London: Illuminating Arts for the Skies & the Minds | 「盧米艾爾」藝術燈節:點亮倫敦的夜空與心靈
I live in a city that never sleeps.
No matter how late in the night, London's sky never gets pitch black. There always seems to be a few strips of light straying from the wall of clouds, bouncing off urban landscape and architecture to illuminate the way wherever I go.
Now, my city's nighttime scenery is about to get even more vibrant and enticing.
The Light of The Spirit by Patrice Warrener - Westminster Abbey
From January 14-17, 6:30-10:30pm, a new light festival called Lumiere will bring 30 dazzling and thought-provoking artworks -- by both British and international artists -- to four areas in central London: King’s Cross, Mayfair, Piccadilly/Regent Street, and Trafalgar Square/Westminster.
一月14~17日,每晚 6:30-10:30pm,倫敦新推出的「盧米艾爾」燈節 將為倫敦帶來三十件讓人眼花撩亂,發人深省的照明藝術品。這些來自英國與世界各地的作品將分四區展覽 - 國王十字 (King's Cross) ,梅菲爾 (Mayfair),皮卡迪利/攝政街 (Piccadilly/Regent Street) 以及特拉法加廣場/威斯敏斯特 (Trafalgar Square/Westminster) - 照亮城市中心的各角落。
A giant fish dances above Piccadilly - Luminéoles by Porté par le vent
For four straight evenings, some of the city's most iconic streets and landmarks will serve as the stage for 3D projections, interactive installations and illuminated artworks by leading artists from around the world.
Inspired by the original Fête des Lumières in Lyon, France, UK's Lumiere was first staged in the historic city of Durham in 2009 as a one-off event that since has grown into the country's largest light festival.
By coming to the capital in January, the bleakest time of the year in terms of weather and tourism, London is hoping to start a new tradition that will attract more people to its bosom and boost business.
英國「盧米艾爾」的靈感源自法國里昂名聞國際的 Fête des Lumières 燈節,於 2009 年登陸英格蘭歷史悠久的達勒姆市,本來計畫只是一次性的特展,現在已發展成為一年一度,全國最大的燈節。
Aquarium - Mayfair
Elephantastic by Top'là Design - Regent Street
Art and light, presented against the magical backdrop of the night, for free, it's no wonder that Lumiere has got Londoners talking with eager anticipation (#LumiereLDN).
It's invigorating to think that London will be filled with wondrous sights and sounds, enabling us to see the city through someone else's imagination. As the event will surely attract large crowds, be sure to check the installations map below and plan ahead to ensure a most "illuminating" experience.
這些奇妙的景象和聲音,讓我們能經由藝術家的想像力來重新揣摩倫敦之美, 也為清冷的深冬帶來一絲生氣,難怪人人熱切期待著「盧米艾爾」#LumiereLDN 的來臨。
Lumiere London: January 14 - 17, 2016
Festival program & map / Lumiere 節目表 & 地圖
Download the festival program and map or get the app for your iPhone or Android device.
在此下載「盧米艾爾」燈節的地圖與節目表,或者下載 iPhone 或 Android 應用程序。
Suggested walking routes / 建議步行路線
- From Leicester Square through to Trafalgar Square and Westminster Abbey / 從萊斯特廣場,走到特拉法加廣場和西敏寺
- From Piccadilly Circus to Grosvenor Square via Piccadilly Arcade and St James’s / 自皮卡迪利廣場,經過皮卡迪利商場和聖詹姆斯,來到格羅夫納廣場
- Along Regent Street via Carnaby to Oxford Circus / 沿著攝政街,經過卡納比購物街,來到牛津廣場
- From Euston Road to King’s Cross, Granary Square and beyond / 從尤斯頓路走到國王十字和糧倉廣場