Where the Authors Lounged: Mandarin Oriental Bangkok (1) | 作家摯愛:曼谷文華東方酒店 (一)
Don't mind me spending an entire afternoon in this oasis. © Eileen Hsieh
Here I am, lying under the seething midday sun in a poolside cabana, with Thailand Tatler in one hand and a fresh coconut in the other, indulging in the kind of mind and body nourishments unavailable in my country of residence.
Just as I begin to drift off in the gentle river breeze, the sound of a voice with handbell stirs me awake.
在曼谷炫麗的陽光下,泳池畔的小亭子成了我的避暑天堂,一邊讀著泰國社交雜誌 Tatler,一邊啜新鮮的椰子汁,讓心情漸漸放空。
View of Mandarin Oriental Bangkok from across the river. © Eileen Hsieh
"Madam, would you like to cool off with some of our homemade ice cream?," asks the young attendant behind an exquisite vintage wooden cart, which carries a tub of coconut ice cream and an array of colorful toppings.
He carefully places a scoop of white ball into a silver bowl and sprinkles peanuts, red beans and a few other ingredients over it, explaining the procedure along the way. Then, before departing, he reminds us of another afternoon treat that will be served in a couple hours.
Mandarin Oriental Bangkok, can I live here please?
「小姐,請問您要不要試吃我們的手工冰淇淋,解暑一下?」 一位年輕的服務生對我說,他的身後是一輛精巧的手推車,上面放著一大桶椰子冰淇淋與多樣配料。
Fresh exotic flowers and giant lanterns are sure ways to make an impression. © Eileen Hsieh
Consistently voted one of the best hotels in Asia and the world, Mandarin Oriental Bangkok and its predecessor The Oriental have been serving travellers to the Siamese country since 1876.
The low-rise hotel sits quietly on the banks of the Chao Phraya River and is home to the iconic Authors' Lounge, named for the many famous writers - most notably Joseph Conrad - who've stayed at the hotel over the years.
它的前身 The Oriental 於1876年開幕,標榜提供現代化設備和完美服務,成為了國際文學與政治界人物拜訪泰國最愛的歇腳處。而酒店的標誌性建築則被稱為「Authors' Lounge」,也就是「作家休息室」。
The Oriental Hotel opened its doors in 1876 and is the predecessor of today's Mandarin Oriental Bangkok. © Eileen Hsieh
We’re in Bangkok to celebrate the Ruby anniversary of my parents, who famously pay little attention to life's milestones and don't ever kick up a fuss about them. Therefore the understated No. 1 hotel in the Bangkok is the perfect choice for this special occasion, and my oh my, does it live to its reputation!
Never have I called a hotel "perfect", but Mandarin Oriental Bangkok comes pretty close to it and has elevated the definition of "utopia" to a whole new level.
「完美的酒店」在我眼裡是不存在的,但 Mandarin Oriental Bangkok 是我有史以來所拜訪過最接近完美的旅館,把「烏托邦」的定義提升到了一個全新的水平。
Be charmed by the stunning local arts and crafts that adorn the hotel walls. © Eileen Hsieh
A gilded elephant next to the reception desk. © Eileen Hsieh
Inside the MOB, during our visit, the world IS perfect.
Every view is mesmerizing. Every dish is delicious.
Everyone is smiling. And everyday is sunny.
The elegant, newly renovated Authors' Lounge offers a relaxing setting to enjoy your afternoon tea. © Mandarin Oriental
The hotel leaves a memorable impression the moment you enter its premise.
From the high ceiling lobby with giant lanterns and fresh exotic flowers, the smooth private check-in (led by two beautiful attendees who welcome us with fragrant floral garlands and show us around our rooms), to the smily staff found in every corner of the property who are always saying hello and offering their help, MO Bangkok feels less like a grand hotel but more like the home of a friend with impeccable taste and a fat wallet, and he's just given us all access to everything under the historic, restored roof.
酒店裡的員工似乎都很熱情有禮,處處都會有人和你打招呼,噓寒問暖。曼谷文華東方感覺不像是個大酒店,反而像是來到朋友的家... 一個有著無可挑剔的品味,以及鼓鼓荷包的朋友的家。
These charming giant lanterns at the lobby set the tone for our stay at Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok. © Eileen Hsieh
A quiet corner with understated rattan furniture. © Eileen Hsieh
If Chao Phraya River is Bangkok's artery, then Mandarin Oriental is the city’s modern heart, thumping with strong heartbeats since its birth 140 years ago.
Then, The Oriental was Bangkok's image ambassador, providing top quality accommodation that rivalled the best in the West. In 2008 the property was officially renamed Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok.
140年前,The Oriental 是曼谷的形象大使,提供媲美西方的高級住宿。酒店於2008年正式更名為文華東方酒店。
View of Chao Phraya from our Deluxe room. © Eileen Hsieh
Today, most rooms at the hotel make the most of its advantageous situation and offer an glorious view of the bustling river, magnifying the notion that you are indeed in one of the most vibrant cities in Asia.
Our deluxe rooms are elegantly appointed with clean-line furniture and textile inspired by traditional Thai designs. There's a working desk and armchairs, as well as bathroom with large bathtub and a walk-in shower. At 40-sqm (428-sq-ft), the space feels uncluttered and intimate.
Fresh flowers and crisp linen in our comfortable deluxe room. © Eileen Hsieh
Fresh flowers also adorn our spacious bathroom. © Eileen Hsieh
Beautiful lemongrass toiletries. © Eileen Hsieh
Fresh flowers are the star of the room decor, and everyday a plate of locally produced fruits will be greeting you, along with an adorable card narrating their story, so you'll know what you're eating.
Courtesy of our floor's butler, mom and dad are treated with a bottle of wine, a rose-covered heart and a pink cake with a cute chocolate angel, all of which are delicious and gone in a flash! :)
There is high speed wi-fi throughout the hotel, and it's complimentary for guests who have registered for an online MO profile.
酒店的 wi-fi 無線上網是免費的,只需要在文華東方網頁上註冊即可。
MY RATING: 10 / 10
At MO Bangkok, I did the unthinkable. I didn't leave the hotel premise once in over 24 hours.
Didn't want to. Didn't need to.
我的評價:10 / 10
Little touches that turn a hotel into a home away from home. © Eileen Hsieh