Follow That Bug

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筱晴散文集:再訪華府 | Beautiful Destination: Revisiting Washington D.C.

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Washington Monument, Washington D.C. / Photo by Jacob Creswick on Unsplash





National Museum of American History in Washington D.C. / Image: Wikipedia

一、  國立美國歷史博物館 (National Museum of American History) 地圖/MAP

館內展出有關農業、醫藥、武裝部隊的歷史、雕刻繪畫、陶瓷、玻璃等藝術品,還有早期的軋棉機和福特的T型汽車。最精彩部份是星條旗、約翰•布爾 (John Bull) 的機車、斯萊特 (Slater) 的紡織機、貝爾 (Bell) 的原始試用電話機。

An African bull elephant greets visitors in the rotunda of the National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C. / Image: Smithsonian

二、  國立自然歷史博物館 (National Museum of Natural History) 地圖/MAP


Senator Kennedy’s return home, Barnstable Municipal Airport, Hyannis, Massachusetts, July 1960. © Paul Schutzer (Courtesy The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)

三、  國立美國美術館 (Smithsonian American Art Museum) 地圖/MAP

館內收藏三萬三千件名畫、雕刻、繪畫、民間藝術品和攝影品。最精彩部份是林肯陳列館,湯馬斯•莫仁 (Thomas Moran) 所繪三幅美國西部全景,以及工作分配管理局三十年代的收藏作品。

Portrait of America, from David Datuna’s “Viewpoint of Billions” series, is a 12-foot multimedia American flag covered in hundreds of eyeglass lenses. / Image: Smithsonian

四、  國立肖像館 (National Portrait Gallery) 地圖/MAP


The Feast of the Gods, by Giovanni Bellini and Titian. / Image: National Gallery of Art

五、  國立美術館 (National Gallery of Art) 地圖/MAP


The Apollo Lunar Module displayed as a centerpiece below the “Spirit of St. Louis” in the newly renovated Boeing Milestones of Flight Hall. / Image: Smithsonian Institution

六、  國立航空宇航博物館 (National Air and Space Museum) 地圖/MAP

此館最受遊客青睬,參觀人潮絡繹不絕。管內有五層樓高的銀幕放映特殊影片,又有顯示宇宙運行的天象儀,並有編列成隊的飛機、宇航艇、導彈火箭和飛航有關的製造品等。最精彩部份是賴特 (Wright) 飛行器、聖路易精神、天空實驗室、阿波羅十一號的指揮艙、月球岩片。

Kiepenkerl, a 1987 stainless steel sculpture located in the Hirshhorn Museum's Sculpture Garden, on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. / Image: Wikipedia

七、  赫希洪博物館及雕像園 (Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden) 地圖/MAP


八、  國立非洲美術館 (National Museum of African Art) 地圖/MAP


"Lovers on a terrace," created by an artist during the Mughal dynasty (late eighteenth century). / Image: The Freer|Sackler

九、  佛利爾|沙可樂美術館 (The Freer|Sackler, Museums of Asian Art) 地圖/MAP

沙可樂美術館內珍藏約一千件來自中國、東南亞、古近東的藝術品。最精彩部份是中國玉器、銅器、古近東金銀製品、和波斯文獻手抄本等。 佛利爾美術館內收藏從新石器時代到二十世紀初亞洲和近東藝術品,也收藏十九世紀晚期到二十世紀美國畫家的作品。最精彩部份是中國青銅品、日本屏風、伊斯蘭書法、佛教、印度教的雕刻、和惠斯勒的畫等。

Washington Memorial / Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash




Words from Eileen

Mom has been toying with the idea of putting her articles online for a while now. Being the most diligent writer in our family, she's published numerous articles over the years about life as an expat and kept a private journal detailing the memorable moments in her life, which seem to occur every other day. 

I love reading her journals, especially the ones written when we're together. It's a luxury to relive our shared experience through her words for a motherly perspective and blatantly honest assessment. 

Therefore I think it's fitting to make room for mom's prose on Follow That Bug. Her unique yet familiar voice is welcomed here any time. ♡ ♡ ♡