6 Best Places to Watch Wimbledon in Central London | 溫布頓網球錦標賽的六個最佳觀賞地點
Tickets to the Wimbledon tennis championship are notoriously difficult to get and require months of planning in advance. For those who don't have the time or patience to go to SW19 at the break of dawn and queue for day tickets, watching the matches on a big TV screen is the next best thing.
Here is my pick of the 6 best places to watching Wimbledon in central London. Every location is near a city landmark, making it easy to dip in and out during sightseeing or shopping for picnic or a dose of sunshine. Open daily from June 29-July 12. Admission is always free.
溫布頓網球錦標賽 (Wimbledon) 的票是有名的難買,對沒空到場外碰運氣買日票的球迷來說,倫敦的戶外大螢幕現場轉播是不錯的代替品。好處是不用趕著天亮去 SW19 排隊買票,而且許多大螢幕都是在市中心,可以蜻蜓點水,趁 shopping 或遊覽空檔小歇,曬太陽。
以下是小編建議的六個靠近倫敦地標,天天開放的轉播地點 (6月29日~7月12日,免費入場)。
Cardinal Place SW1
More London Free Festival at The Scoop SE1
3. 聖保羅大教堂 / St. Paul's Cathedral
One New Change EC4M
New Street Square EC4A
5. 攝政公園 & 杜莎夫人蠟像館 / Regent's Park & Madame Tussauds
Regent's Place NW1
6. 歐洲之星-國王十字車站 / Eurostar-Kings Cross Station
Strawberries and Screen N1C