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Behind the Gates: Tokyo Imperial Palace | 與皇宮有約 : 春遊東京皇居

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Fujimi-yagura guard building within the inner grounds of the Imperial Palace. 「富士見櫓」是江戶城的遺跡中最為古老的三層櫓樓。© Eileen Hsieh

文:筱晴, Eileen Hsieh / 圖:Eileen Hsieh

Planning is essential for anyone who wants to travel efficiently and economically in Japan, from purchasing the JR Rail Pass before leaving your home country, to reserving a spot online for the free guided tours of the Imperial Palaces in Kyoto and Tokyo. (See the end of the article for guidelines.)



環繞著東京御苑的寬敞馬路。The ring road surrounding the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. © Eileen Hsieh

從皇居瞭望對外開放的外苑。View of the public palace grounds from the Imperial Residence. © Eileen Hsieh

The Imperial Palace in Tokyo

Last year we thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the East Garden of the Imperial Palace, which is open the the public. This year we wanted a closer view of the residence of the Emperor, so we went on the Imperial Household Agency website and reserved a guided tour.


在東京,我們選擇住 Palace Hotel,為的是接近皇居。從房間大片落地窗看出去,護城河,宮殿飛簷,綠意盎然的庭園,呈現眼前,原來皇宮就在咫尺。


Another view of the Palace moat. 皇居護城河。© Eileen Hsieh

The Hundred Guard Station in the East Garden. 百人蕃所。© Eileen Hsieh

The Imperial Palace in Tokyo is built on the site of the old Edo Castle dating back to the 15th century, which originally covered a much larger area stretching as far as the present day Tokyo Station. It has served as the main residence of the Imperial Family since 1869.

Today, the lush castle grounds featuring Edo Period stone walls and moat occupy approximately 390 acres of prime real estate, making the Imperial Palace a popular outdoor space in the city.



Ninomaru Garden. 二之丸庭園。 © Eileen Hsieh

The East Garden. 東御苑花園。© Eileen Hsieh

The East Garden. 東御苑花園。© Eileen Hsieh

The East Garden is open to the public almost all year round, but the inner grounds of the palace are only open to visitors on January 2 (New Year's greeting) and December 23, when the Emperor celebrates his birthday.


東京皇居的護城河和角樓倒影。Reflection of the Imperial Palace's guard tower by the East Gate. © Eileen Hsieh

The tour route covers the main buildings of the palace including: 

Fujimi-yagura Keep: Reconstructed in 1959 after a fire, this three-story keep is perched high on a stone wall with view of Mount Fuji.

The Imperial Household Agency building: Constructed in 1935, the building was used as the temporary Imperial Palace for some years after World War II.


「富士見櫓」: 是江戶城的遺跡中最為古老的三層櫓樓。被火燒毀後於1659年重建,石牆高度14.5米,櫓樓高度 15.5 米,聳立在皇宮高處,數百年來,守護著江戶城。

「宮內廳廳舍」: 建於1935年,戰後(1952-1969),作為臨時宮殿使用。

 Chōwaden Reception Hall. 「長和殿」。 © Eileen Hsieh

A guard in front of the Imperial Household Agency building. 宮內廳廳舍前的警衛。 © Eileen Hsieh

The Palace Complex: Several steel-framed reinforced concrete structures built in 1968.

Chōwaden Reception HallWhere the Emperor and Empress delivers new year and birthday greetings to  the public.

Fujimi-tamon defence house & Hasuikebori lotus moat: Surrounded by the moat, the stunning Fujimi-tamon serves both defensive and decorative purposes. 

Nijubashi: Formally known as Seimon Ishibashi, the picturesque double arch bridge is the official entrance to the palace. 

Fushimi-yagura: The two-story keep once stood on the grounds of Fushimi Castle in Kyoto and had been dismantled and reassembled here.



「富士見多聞」,「蓮池濠」: 建在石牆上面的多聞,兼具防禦和裝飾功能,也是櫓樓的一種,還有實際用途,如作為倉庫或武器庫等。石牆下便是蓮池濠,夏天可賞蓮荷。

「正門鐵橋」(二重橋)與「伏見櫓」: 正門鐵橋被通稱為二重橋,半圓弧的橋拱,倒映水中,形成一圈完美的圓,是熱門的拍照地點。伏見櫓據說是在三代將軍家光時期,從京都,伏見城遷移過來的。


Tokyo's most famous bridge - Nijubashi. 東京赫赫有名的二重橋。© Eileen Hsieh

Fushimi-yagura. 伏見櫓。 © Eileen Hsieh

Edo Castle Ruin: All we see now is the foundation of the former castle tower, which had been the tallest in Japan upon completion in 1638. Sadly it was destroyed by fires in 1657 and never rebuilt.

Tokagakudo: The "peach blossom" music hall was completed in 1966 in commemoration of Empress Kojun's 60th birthday.


「桃華樂堂」: 1966年,為了紀念香淳皇后六十大壽而建的音樂堂。

Edo Castle Ruin. 江戶城天守閣遺跡。© Eileen Hsieh

Tokagakudo music hall. 桃華樂堂。© Eileen Hsieh

Ninomaru Garden: Japanese garden found in the secondary circle of defence of the Palace.

Museum of the Imperial Collections: Showcasing some of the Imperial Household's treasures. Admission free.



Ninomaru Garden. 二之丸庭園。© Eileen Hsieh

The East Garden. 東御苑花園。© Eileen Hsieh

Vibrant colors in the East Garden. 東御苑花園紅葉。© Eileen Hsieh

The East Garden. 東御苑花園。© Eileen Hsieh

Imperial Palace moat's resident swan.  護城河逍遙的天鵝。© Eileen Hsieh

東京皇居 The Imperial Palace in Tokyo

Japan, 〒100-8111 Tokyo, Chiyoda, 千代田1−1


預約參觀時間程序 Tour Reservation Guidelines

1. 請到日本宮內廳事務所(日/英版)。

Visit the website of Imperial Household Agency (available in Japanese and English).

2. 請按位於頁面右上方的「Application For Visit」(參觀申請)。

Click on the "Application For Visit" button on top right of the page

3. 請選擇第一個框框 -「參觀申請」。

Click on the first box on the page - "Application For Visit"

4. 請選擇「皇居」。

Select "The Imperial Palace in Tokyo"

5. 請選擇導遊解說語言與遊覽時間長度。

Choose preferred language and length of the tour.

6. 請選擇首選參觀月份。

Choose the preferred month for your visit.

7. 請選擇首選日期與時間(藍色代表還有空位)。

Choose the preferred Date & Time for your visit (only the times in BLUE are available)

8. 請填寫申請人訊息表格。

Fill out the applicant details form.

9. 請選擇是要現在就填寫訪問成員的個人訊息,還是以後再填寫。

You can choose to enter visiting member's details now ("Type Member's Information") or upload them later ("Edit Member's Information and Upload Later")

10. 申請完成!去京都御所前記得要把申請證明email打印出來,還要帶護照喔!

Application complete! Don't forget to print out the confirmation email and BRING YOUR PASSPORT!