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London Through My Eyes (4) - Hotels

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Hotel browsing is one of my many guilty pleasures, and with over a thousand lodging options in London, I'm always discovering new and unusual places that I can't wait to recommend to visitors.

I also have a soft spot for historic hotels, therefore in this video we're going to look at some of London's surviving inns and hotels that have served travellers throughout time.  

What is your favorite home away from home in London? 



我也對歷史悠久的酒店情有獨鍾,因此在這部影片中我們要拜訪倫敦唯一剩存的長廊客棧 The George Inn,順便認識倫敦旅館業的演變。



You can check out the rest of the series here:

London Through My Eyes (1) - Then & Now

London Through My Eyes (2) - It's Christmas Time!

London Through My Eyes (3) - Afternoon Tea