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倫敦一日遊:阿倫德爾城堡 | Arundel Castle

在此和大家分享一個我最近發現的新網站,The Weekenders,可以幫助策劃英國各地的週末遊。以下的訊息由網站創始人Kate友情提供! 

I recently discovered The Weekenders, a useful and informative website that helps you plan weekend getaways to some of the most romantic spots in Britain. Big thanks to its founder Kate Chappell for providing me with the following information about Arundel, and you can read more about this town and other beautiful UK destinations by visiting Kate's website

Early morning mist at Arundel Castle. (Photo from

阿倫德爾城堡1800年的外觀。A picture of Arundel Castle published in 1880.

阿倫德爾 (Arundel) 有座童話故事般的城堡,哥德式教堂與喬治亞風格的陡峭大街,是個放鬆身心,享受浪漫週末的好地點。雖然這個小鎮離倫敦只有1.5小時的車程,你在這兒不會看到大批遊客,是個實實在在的世外桃源。


阿倫德爾城堡裡的花園一角。One of Arundel Castles walled gardens. (Photo from



阿倫德爾城堡 Arundel Castle

Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9AB

*離Arundel火車站步行約十分鐘 SEE MAP

Opening Hours : MAR 28, 2015 ~ OCT  2015

10am - 5pm

門票:£9.00 - £18.00 (視參觀範圍而定)